WHats on

Main Arena
Rockwood Dog Display Team
Steam traction engines form a major centrepiece of the Gala. Celebrate our steam history with many amazing engines.

Classic Cars
A huge range of vintage and classic cars for you to marvel at. We welcomed over 175 last year!
Craft Marquee
Businesses from far and wide bring their wares. Expect fudge to forging, clocks to concrete!
Food Hall
Lots of scrummy local food traders popping up across the site. Try as many as you can for a real taste of Herefordshire.

Vintage Tractors
We are proud to welcome a massive variety of vintage tractors. These items are steeped in Herefordshire history.
Military Vehicles
This fantastic part of the Gala is steeped in military history, with exhibitors from far and wide bringing their beautiful vehicles for you to peruse.
We love our display of mechanical organs!
Our presenters are all enthusiasts who compare notes and new musical arrangements at the Show.

Oil Engines
A key feature of the Gala since its early days. Most were used on farms driving water pumps and other agricultural equipment.
Shiny motorcycles and their enthusiast owners. Come and marvel at these exciting vehicles, old and new.

RC Trucks
This impressive display showcases a miniature remote controlled building site!

Commercial Vehicles
Come and awe at the historic commercial vehicles and buses that once filled the roads of Britain.
Vintage Caravans
This quirky display shows off a great variety of the campers and caravans of summer holidays gone by!
Working Area
A great opportunity to see the rural skills used everyday in managing the countryside around us at play.

Something for everyone, this colourful part of the Gala features adrenalin-fuelled rides alongside family favourite games.
Expect delightful entries for cookery, preserves, wine, handicrafts, floral art, horticulture, art and photography.
Trade Stands
We have a vast range of traders at the Gala, from local food and drink to handmade items, art, gardening supplies and more.

Heavy Horses
Expect impressive shire horses and their equipment on display, with carts and demonstrations.